IGNOU BA/BDP BEGE-103 Solved Assignment 2018-2019

IGNOU BA/BDP BEGE-103 Solved Assignment 2018-2019

IGNOU BDP BEGE-103 Solved Assignment 2018-2019

Communication Skills in English (BEGE-103) Assignment
Assignment Code: BDP/BEGE-103/TMA/2018-2019
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer all questions
1 What do you understand by Global English? Describe its features. How different is it from Indian English? Give examples to explain your answer.    20
2 What are the usual topics of small talk? Describe some of the conventions we must follow for ease and flow of conversation.         20
3a Write a note on the language of formal letters.         5
3b You purchased a book through Flipkart. After a couple of days you discovered that ten pages (from 116-125) are missing. Write a letter of complaint to the relevant person in the organisation asking:           15
• how such an error happened
• how this mistake has inconvenienced you
• you would expect another copy of the book as soon as possible. 
4a What do you understand by unscripted programmes on TV? Discuss this in the context of a panel discussion.        10
4b Describe ways in which you can train yourself to be a good listener.  10
5 What do you understand by the World Wide Web? What are the ways in which you can create content for the web?        20

(All questions are answered with detailed explanation)
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IGNOU BA/BDP BEGE-103 Solved Assignment 2018-2019 IGNOU BA/BDP BEGE-103 Solved Assignment 2018-2019 Reviewed by Npk on September 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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