IGNOU ANC-1 Solved Assignment 2018-2019
IGNOU ANC-1 Solved Assignment 2018-2019
Application Oriented Course in Nutrition for the Community
(TMA- 1)
Course Code: ANC-1
Assignment Code: ANC-1/AST-1/TMA-1/2018-19
ForJuly2018admission: Last Date of Submission: 30thMarch,2019
For January2019 admission: Last Date of Submission: 30thOctober, 2019
Maximum marks:100
Section A– Descriptive Type Questions (40marks)
There are ten short questions in this part. Answer all questions.
Answer each question in about 200-250 words.
1. a) Briefly explain the interrelation of food, health and
nutrition. (2)
b) What are available and non-available carbohydrates? Briefly
explain their significance in terms of maintaining good health.
Click here to read the answer.
2. List the dietary considerations that should be kept in mind while planning meals for each of the following: (2+2)
a) Old age (read the answer)
b) Pregnant women (read the answer)
b) Pregnant women (read the answer)
3. a) Explain the role of vitamin A and vitamin D in our body. List
some food sources. (2)
b) Briefly explain the following: (1+1)
ii. Special attention to the diets of adolescent girls (read the answer)
4. Briefly discuss the dietary modifications/preventive measures for the following: (2+2)
a) CHD (read the answer)
b) Anaemia (read the answer)
4. Briefly discuss the dietary modifications/preventive measures for the following: (2+2)
a) CHD (read the answer)
b) Anaemia (read the answer)
IGNOU ANC-1 Solved Assignment 2018-2019
Reviewed by Npk
November 27, 2018

Only 3 answer are theer