ANC-1 The dietary considerations that should be kept in mind while planning meals for pregnant women

ANC-1 The dietary considerations that should be kept in mind while planning meals for pregnant women

ANC-1 The dietary considerations that should be kept in mind while planning meals for pregnant women

Application Oriented Course in Nutrition for the Community
Assignment Code: ANC-1/AST-1/TMA-1/2018-19

ANC-1 Solved Assignment Question 2

List the dietary considerations that should be kept in mind while planning meals for each of the following:     (2+2)

b) Pregnant Women

To help meet the requirement certain quantitative and qualitative changes need to be made in the diet of the pregnant woman which include the following:

  • ·    A well-balanced diet containing food items from the three food groups namely energy-giving, body-building, the protective/regulator should be provided.

  • ·    The requirement for energy, protein, calcium and iron is maximum during pregnancy. Plenty of energy/protein, calcium and iron-rich foods should be included in meals.

  • ·  From the three major food groups, include more of cereals, pulses, milk and milk products, green leafy vegetables in the diet. Meat/fish/poultry, eggs may be included if acceptable. Also, if income permits nuts/oilseeds may be considered.

  • ·    Iron from food sources alone may not be sufficient to meet the increased needs of iron during pregnancy. Additional iron in the form of tablets usually needs to be given.

  • ·   To meet the iodine need during pregnancy one should use iodized salt for cooking.

  • ·     To meet the increased demands of pregnancy the amount of food consumed should be increased. Small but frequent meals should be provided.

  • ·   All fatty foods or strongly flavoured, spicy foods should be avoided.

  • ·       Plenty of water and other fluids should be consumed.

  • ·   To overcome morning sickness, one should provide carbohydrate-rich foods/food preparations like biscuits, rusks, bread etc. to the woman early in the morning.

  • ·       To overcome heartburn or the feeling of heaviness/fullness, one should restrict eating fatty or fried foods. One would also benefit by not eating much at one time.

  • ·       To prevent constipation, one should take plenty of fibre-rich foods and adequate amounts of fluid in the diet. Water and other drinks/beverages such as milk, buttermilk, coconut water, lime juice etc. should be taken in-between meals to help in the movement of food through the digestive tract, thus preventing constipation.

ANC-1 The dietary considerations that should be kept in mind while planning meals for pregnant women ANC-1 The dietary considerations that should be kept in mind while planning meals for pregnant women Reviewed by Npk on December 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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