IGNOU BDP BEGE-105 Solved Assignment 2018-2019
IGNOU BDP BEGE-105 Understanding Prose Solved Assignment 2018-2019
Course in English
PROSE (BEGE – 105)
on Blocks 1-7
Code: BEGE-105/2018-19
Marks: 100
Answer All Questions
1. Comment
on the dominant variety of prose (narrative, expository or descriptive) present
in each of the following passages. Write a brief critical appreciation of each
passage in about 250 words each: (10x3=30)
a) The
Sergeant spun round on his heels barked out some sentences in a very strange
language to somebody hidden within the building. That person now came out,
smartly uniformed. The first thing that struck me about him was that he was
albino. Then the next moment I realized that he was
not an albino at all but a white man. Also that, unlike the marching
policemen, he wore shoes. He was dressed simply in khaki, so I knew that he
was also a policeman. His appearance however bore very
little resemblance to that of the band. He stood on the steps of his
office while the Sergeant called out yet another order which made the lines
stiffen up. Another was called and they appeared to relax. The Sergeant then
continued in the same language within which I succeeded in catching a few English words and name-places. He appeared to
be “reporting” something, the “Oba’s palace” was involved in it, and it all
ended with “all correct” and “further orders”. The white man spoke a few
words. The Sergeant gave two more barks and the parade broke up and went their
different ways, all except the Sergeant. He stayed with the white officer and
they spoke some more; it was during this dialogue that the white man looked up
and saw me.
b) Just
as the heart of England is the middle classes, so the heart of the middle
classes is the public-school system. This extraordinary institution is local.
It does not even exist all over the British Isles. It is unknown in Ireland,
almost unknown in Scotland (countries excluded from my survey), and though it
may inspire other great institutions—Aligarh, for example, and some of the
schools in the United States—it remains unique, because it was created by the
Anglo — Saxon middle classes, and can flourish only where they flourish. How
perfectly it and spiritual complexities have already entered. With its
boarding-houses, its compulsory games, its system of perfects and fagging, its
insistence on good form and on esprit de corps, it produces a type whose weight
is out of all proportion to its numbers.
c) The
Greater Hornbill was another visitor to the farm, and
came there to eat the fruits of the Cape-Chestnut tree. They are very
strange birds. It is an adventure or an experience
to meet them, not altogether pleasant, for they look exceedingly knowing. One
morning before sunrise I was woken up by a loud jabbering outside the house,
and when I walked out on the terrace I saw forty-one
Hornbills sitting in the trees on the lawn. There they looked less like
birds than like some fantastic articles of finery set on the trees here and
there by a child. Black they all were, with the sweet, noble black of Africa,
deep darkness absorbed through an age, like old soot, that makes you feel that
for elegance, vigour and vivacity, no colour rivals black. All the Hornbills
were talking together in the merriest mood, but with choice deportment, like a party of inheritors after a funeral. The
morning air was as clear as crystal, the somber party was bathing in freshness
and purity, and, behind, the trees and the birds, the sun came up, a dull red
ball. You wonder what sort of a day you are to get after such an early morning.
2. Justify the comment “Be strong before people, only weep before God” with
reference to the story “Mother” by Judah Waten. (10)
3. What is the plot of the novel
The Binding Vine? (10)
4. Bacon’s
prose style is lucid, terse and epigrammatic. Discuss
with reference to his essay “Of Great Place”. (10)
5. Bill Aitken’s eye for detail
and his understanding of the cultural divide between North and South are
reflected in his travelogue Travels by a Lesser Line. Elaborate with examples
form the text. (10)
6. Discuss Boswell’s biographical
technique as employed in the extracts from Life of Johnson. (10)
7. Gandhi’s
An Autobiography is structured by balancing contrasts. Comment upon and
explain this statement with reference to the three extracts entitled A Month
with Gokhale-I, II and III. (10)
8. Discuss
the diary of Anne Frank as a literary piece of work. (10)
(All questions are answered in detail)
IGNOU BDP BEGE-105 Solved Assignment 2018-2019
Reviewed by Npk
October 06, 2018

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