IGNOU BA/BDP EEG-06 Solved Assignment 2018-2019
IGNOU BA/BDP EEG-06 Solved Assignment 2018-2019 (Understanding Poetry)
EEG-06: Understanding Poetry Solved Assignment 2018-2019
Course Code: EEG-06/2018-2019
Max. Marks: 100
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. Answer all questions in approximately 450 words.
1. Discuss "The Rape of the Lock" as a mock-epic poem. 20
The answer includes the following points.
What is a mock-epic poem and how it is different from the epic poem?
The function of a mock-epic poem.
Explains the actual reason why Alexander Pope wrote this poem.
A detailed explanation of The Rape of the Lock as a mock-epic poem.
2. Bring out the autobiographical elements in "Tintern Abbey". 20
The answer includes an introduction to the poem Tintern Abbey; Wordsworth's revisiting of the place after five years with his sister and a detailed explanation of the autobiographical elements used in the poem Tintern Abbey.
3. Discuss "O Captain! My Captain" as an elegy. 20
The answer includes an explanation of elegy and how Walt Whiteman has used this poetic form in the poem "O Captain! My Captain" and how this poem is a lament for the death of Abraham Lincoln.
4. "Stopping by Woods On a Snowy Evening" is a song of life and action. Elucidate. 20
The answer includes an introduction to the poem and the poet Robert Frost and explains how this inspirational poem becomes a song of life and action.
5. "Indian Summer" has a simple theme but rich evocative imagery. How far do you agree? Explain and illustrate your answer with suitable examples. 20
The answer includes an introduction to the poet Jayant Mahapatra and a detailed interpretation of the poem "Indian Summer" using examples of evocative imageries used in it.
Contact Us1. Discuss "The Rape of the Lock" as a mock-epic poem. 20
The answer includes the following points.
What is a mock-epic poem and how it is different from the epic poem?
The function of a mock-epic poem.
Explains the actual reason why Alexander Pope wrote this poem.
A detailed explanation of The Rape of the Lock as a mock-epic poem.
2. Bring out the autobiographical elements in "Tintern Abbey". 20
The answer includes an introduction to the poem Tintern Abbey; Wordsworth's revisiting of the place after five years with his sister and a detailed explanation of the autobiographical elements used in the poem Tintern Abbey.
3. Discuss "O Captain! My Captain" as an elegy. 20
The answer includes an explanation of elegy and how Walt Whiteman has used this poetic form in the poem "O Captain! My Captain" and how this poem is a lament for the death of Abraham Lincoln.
4. "Stopping by Woods On a Snowy Evening" is a song of life and action. Elucidate. 20
The answer includes an introduction to the poem and the poet Robert Frost and explains how this inspirational poem becomes a song of life and action.
5. "Indian Summer" has a simple theme but rich evocative imagery. How far do you agree? Explain and illustrate your answer with suitable examples. 20
The answer includes an introduction to the poet Jayant Mahapatra and a detailed interpretation of the poem "Indian Summer" using examples of evocative imageries used in it.
IGNOU BA/BDP EEG-06 Solved Assignment 2018-2019
Reviewed by Npk
September 26, 2018

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