Certificate Programme in the Teaching of English as a Second Language

CTE-04 Teaching English - Elementary School

Course code: BDP/CTE/2017-18

Solved Assignment

Max. Marks: 100
Answer all questions
1 Write short notes on the following:  20
i Underprivileged Learners’ problems in learning English
Some of the major problems of underprivileged learners’ learning English are as follows:
ii Vocabulary development at class 4 level
Through sharing experiences children become acquainted with the art of talking in front of a group. Spontaneous sharing brings to light the stage of the child's speech and the areas where the child's vocabulary needs strengthening. Some specific activities for vocabulary development are: -
iii Suggestions for improving articulation
Exposure to the spoken language helps children to improve their articulation. Some areas that need special focus are listed below…
iv The importance of music in teaching oral skills
All of the child's early language is oral rather than written. And it is the aural or listening part that precedes the oral or speaking aspect…
2 Write a brief description of the disabilities that some of the children in your class could have. How would you identify children with visual impairment? What would you do to help them in the classroom? What suggestions would you make to the parents?          20
Some of the disabilities I have encountered while teaching in my class room, particularly children with mild disabilities are…
3a What is listening comprehension? How would you integrate listening based activities into different areas of the curriculum?       10
Listening comprehension refers to listening with understanding. The skills required for enabling and enhancing listening comprehension in young children requires full attention as well as the interest and motivation on the part of the listener…
3b Write a brief note on types of listening on the basis of their functions.   10
The following are the types of listening on the basis of their functions…
4 Discuss the difference between reading as a skill, reading as a process and reading as comprehension.          20
Reading as a skill
In this view of reading, it is considered as a skill that is consciously learned…
5 What is writing across the curriculum? Suggest two writing activities that children can integrate with the science lesson.       20  
Writing across the curriculum
When the skills, knowledge and attitudes of a number of different disciplines are applied to a single experience, theme or idea, we are working in a cross-curricular way…

IGNOU BA/BDP CTE-04 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2017-18 IGNOU BA/BDP CTE-04 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2017-18 Reviewed by Npk on April 17, 2018 Rating: 5

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