IGNOU BDP CTE-05 Solved Assignment 2018-2019
IGNOU BDP CTE-05 Solved Assignment 2018-2019
Course Code: BDP/CTE/2018-19
Max Marks: 100
Answer all questions
1. Write short notes on any four of the following:
(i, ii, iii, and iv are answered)
(i, ii, iii, and iv are answered)
(i) Learners with visual disabilities
There are children who are totally blind and those with low vision. The totally blind do not have sufficient vision and cannot find their way while walking. They need the Braille script (reading through touch) as they cannot read the usual text...
There are children who are totally blind and those with low vision. The totally blind do not have sufficient vision and cannot find their way while walking. They need the Braille script (reading through touch) as they cannot read the usual text...
(ii) Skimming and scanning in reading comprehension
Reading and word recognition skills are very important in reading comprehension. The difference between skimming and scanning consists of purpose and technique. Skimming is a reading technique meant to give us...
(iii) Difference between spoken and written language
The difference between Spoken and Written language arise from two main sources.
(a) situational
Owing to the difference in situation written language cannot receive...
(iv) Training in study skills is the job of a language teacher
Study skills are different from the four linguistic skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Study skills enable learners to study more efficiently...
(v) Student participation in Assessment
2. Study the poem given below and decide which grade/class(level of learners) would you teach it to. Justify your choice of level of learner by specifying aspects of the poem. Also prepare five questions/activities that you plan to use to teach the poem. 20
The boy was barely five years old.
We sent him to the little school
And left him there to learn the names
Of flowers in jam jars on the sill
And learn to do as he was told.
He seemed quite happy there until
Three weeks afterwards, at night,
The darkness whimpered in his room.
I went upstairs, switched on his light,
And found him wide awake, distraught,
Sheets mangled and his eiderdown
Untidy carpet on the floor.
I said "Why can't you sleep? A pain?
He snuffled, gave a little moan,
And then he spoke a single word:
'Jessica.' The sound was blurred.
'Jessica.' What do you mean?
'A girl at school called Jessica,
She hurts' - he touched himself between
The heart and stomach - 'she has been
Aching here and I can see her.'
Nothing I read or heard
Instructed me in what to do.
I covered him and stroked his head.
'The pain will go, in time.' I said.
by Vernon Scannell
I would prefer to teach this poem to...
3. Why is spoken English important in a language curriculum? How would you use discussion and role play for enhancing the speaking skills of your learner? 8 + 12
In recent years there has been a growing emphasis on the teaching and learning of conversation/oral skills. With the spread of English there is a greater demand for the learner to communicate in the target language rather than acquire a knowledge of correct structure. For this reason, ...
4. What are the different types of writing? Discuss any four of them. 20
The different types of writings are traditional types of writings and non-traditional types of writings. Traditional types of writings include paragraphs, essays and letters. Non-traditional types of writings include diaries, form-filling, information transfer, etc...
5. What are the advantages of grammar games? Discuss their feasibility in your class. How do grammar games and grammar practice activities differ from traditional grammar exercises? 20
Grammar should be enjoyable and help learners to improve their skills in reading and writing. Grammar games provide practice in grammar in an interesting way and Grammar Practice activities provide practice in grammar in an enjoyable manner.
The advantages of grammar games are:
IGNOU BDP CTE-05 Solved Assignment 2018-2019
Reviewed by Npk
November 04, 2018

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