ANC-1 The dietary considerations that should be kept in mind while planning meals for old age.
ANC-1 The dietary considerations that should be kept in mind while planning meals for old age.
Application Oriented Course in Nutrition for the Community
Assignment Code: ANC-1/AST-1/TMA-1/2018-19
ANC-1 Solved Assignment Question 2
List the dietary considerations that should be kept in mind while planning meals for each of the following: (2+2)
a) Old age
Various physiological changes take place during ageing. These changes necessitate certain modifications in the kind and amount of food to be included in the meals, the number of meals to be consumed, the method of preparation to be adopted. Some of the dietary considerations that should be kept in mind while planning meals for older age are as follows.
- · During ageing chewing becomes difficult due to loosing of teeth. A change in the texture and method of preparation of food is recommended. Include only soft, well cooked, mashed or finely cut foods in the diet. All hard foods, with skin or seeds, should be avoided unless they can be softened by mashing or grating.
- · The meals for the aged should be made more attractive and appealing by including a variety of foods and colour combinations so as to overcome the problem of impaired taste sensitivity and to encourage/motivate the elderly person to eat. Any strongly flavoured foods or foods with a strong smell or totally bland foods should be avoided.
- · Should include protective foods (fruits/vegetables) in the diet of the elderly person.
- · Small meals at frequent intervals should be given so as to help in the digestion process. Any fried or fatty foods or highly concentrated foods like sweets should be avoided.
- · To overcome the problem of constipation include plenty of fibre rich foods/water and fluid in the diet. Fluid in the form of 'buttermilk, juices, tea, soups and other beverages can be given, in addition to water. An intake of six to eight glasses of water a day is recommended.
ANC-1 The dietary considerations that should be kept in mind while planning meals for old age.
Reviewed by Npk
November 30, 2018

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