Ignou BEGE-103 Write an essay on 'Television the Liberal Educator'.
Ignou BEGE-103
Write an essay on 'Television the Liberal Educator'.
Television was not set up to be merely a fun medium - for entertainment and relaxation. BBC Television's charter was to educate and inform the public as well as to entertain it. Television is not only the largest medium of popular entertainment, it is also the largest medium of popular information. It is theatre and newspaper in one. Television has been called a "liberal educator", because it is an agency of awareness and thus an educational influence.
Television liberally educates because through television we are faced with alternative lifestyles and cultures. Television provides a rich diet of imaginative experience. We think of television primarily as a visual medium, although it is strictly a visual-aural medium. The sound on television consists of the spoken word, music, natural sound produced on location, and sound effects. These sounds contribute to the illusion of reality created by television. It has asserted the validity and acceptability of a wide range of accents, dialects, and idioms. Television's use and acceptance of varieties of English as they are spoken is or enormous educational importance.
The media commentator Brian Groombridge tells us: "Education may imply the transmission of a body of knowledge or socially useful skills; liberal education lays emphasis on the fullest possible development of the individual, stressing the importance of imaginative experience as against the cognitive, and of the realm of values..."
Television allows us to become citizens of the world while sitting in our home in a village or town and to become conscious of the universe while we stay rooted on earth. Every child, in fact, aspires to be at the centre of a widening circle of identities, beginning with his or her name and actual physical location, but ending with finding a place in the universe.
Apart from mainstream commercial television, therefore, there have been recurrent attempts to make programmes for children that had an educational, informative and entertainment function all at once. The most well-known effort was Sesame Street. It used songs, skits, puppets, and animation to introduce children to the basics of counting, reading, and becoming aware of the world around them. So,e television programmes are designed to promote reading among slightly older children. A programme called Reading Rainbow used animation, music, dramatization and a magazine-style format to introduce children between the ages of six and nine to the magic of reading. Books were dramatized and reviewed, and research showed a twenty percent increase in the number of books borrowed by children from libraries as a result of the programme.
For adults, such programme as The Ascent of Man by Jacob Bronowski, and Cosmos by the astronomer Carl Sagan were originally produced for television and then developed into 'telecourses' for use in colleges and universities. This was done by 'wrapping' print material around the televised material, to enhance its educational value. The ancillary print materials might include a printed text of the programme supported by visuals from the tele series; study guides; an anthology of readings; and a manual for the faculty, administrator of student suggesting how to use the material.
Television is a medium that conveys an experience. It takes the viewer by the hand and leads him into new places and experiences. Television is an intimate medium for most of us, 'seeing is believing', so the experience of television has an immediate and lasting impact. The potential of television is not always realized, because of inadequacies in how programmes are conceived. By reflecting on what we see on television and making informed choices, we can guide the content of television towards more informative, humanistic and stimulating programming, away from the mindless vulgarity of titillation.
Ignou BEGE-103 Write an essay on 'Television the Liberal Educator'.
Reviewed by naas
February 07, 2018

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