Communication can be classified into verbal and non-verbal communication. One way and two-way communication are types of communication. In one way communication, no response is expected. Two-way communication works both ways. It is effective.
Verbal communication involves oral and written modes. We may use the oral mode or written mode of the verbal communication. On some occasions, we have to use both the modes. Oral communication is more natural and spontaneous, and we use this mode most of the time. A great percentage of our communication is oral communication. But in formal situation, written communication is required, and not everyone can communicate effectively in writing. This might be because of psychological barriers, or lack of technique.
Non-verbal communication is communication that is not conveyed through words. Non-verbal communication cuts across language barriers. It is sometimes very quick to communicate. But it has the danger of not being understood or even being misunderstood due to variations in cultures.
Symbols, signs, visuals, dress-code, postures, silence, eye contact, space distancing, body language - are some of the contributors to non-verbal communication.
Symbol and signs are used where one-way communication is adequate and effective. For example, it is enough to give a picture of a petrol pump or a telephone on a signpost for a driver on a highway to know what is available nearby. Similarly, a school bell gives information to the children to assemble or disperse.
verbal and non-verbal communication
Body language
Facial expression is a fundamental contributor to effective communication, and sometimes referred to as the "visible code". "you can play fast and loose with words, but it's much more difficult to do that with gestures". The scientific study of body language is called kinesics.
1) Eye contact
Eye contact is one of the most important factors in effective communication. The eye has been called the windows of the soul; they seem to reflect our nature. A speaker should always look at the listeners. He should not, because of his own nervousness, look down or look up, or gaze out through the windows while he is speaking. This will give the listeners an impression to the listeners that the speaker is not interested in what (s)he is saying.
When speaking to a group, look at all the listeners; avoid focussing on any part of the group, or on an individual. Some nervous speakers make this mistake if some person or persons seem to keenly follow their talk. It is for the speaker to bring everybody into the talk and make them focus on him or her.
The dress is important for a speaker. A shabbily dressed speaker can hardly command the respect or attention of the audience. The proper dress gives the audience a feeling that you care for them, that you respect them. This is the reason people prefer a tie, a plain shirt and polished shoes for formal occasions.
2) Posture
Proper posture is also important for good communication. Leaning backward, swinging the legs, resting the head backward in reclining chair swiveling too frequently or playfully -- are all bad manners. Bend forward a little, keeping the elbows at the side of the trunk of your body, to indicate that you are listening attentively.
3) Distance
The physical distance between people is usually a clear indication of the relationship between them. Physical distance plays a large role in communication and is normally achieved very intuitively. Gender sensitivity, cultural practices, and individual preferences all govern our ideas about how much personal space around us we are comfortable with.
Some people use the wrong body language when they are emotional or wish to express something forcefully. A raised hand and pointing finger can always be construed as a threat.
Silence: Its role in communication
Silence is a powerful intriguing medium of communication. It has a dramatic impact. It has a determinant effect - it is power.
Silence can be interpreted in more than one way. Sensitivity is a pre-requisite for the effective use of silence as a communication tool. It could be effectively used to express one's protest. It can also provoke introspection in speakers as well as listeners.
Silence can be appropriate or inappropriate depending upon the situation. It can be a very good tool in negotiations. When unrealistic demands are made by a party or workers' unions, a stoic silence can make the other party scale down their rates or demands. When someone is emotional, it is desirable to maintain silence until s/he lets out all the steam. It is easier to handle a person whose anger has cooled down.
Reviewed by naas
September 28, 2017

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