IGNOU BA/BDP BSHF-101 Swara in Indian Music
IGNOU BA/BDP BSHF-101 Swara in Indian Music
Swara is that sound which has some meaning and which possesses a distinct identity. The seven notes of the scale (swaras), in Indian music are named shadj, rishabh, gandhar, madhyam, pancham, dhaivat and nishad, and are shortened to Sa, Ri (Carnatic) or Re (Hindustani), Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, and Ni and written S, R, G, M, P, D, N. Collectively these notes are known as the sargam (the word is an acronym of the consonants of the first four swaras). Sargam is the Indian equivalent to solfege, a technique for the teaching of sight-singing. Sargam is practiced against a drone. The tone Sa is not associated with any particular pitch. As in Western moveable Do solfege, Sa refers to the tonic of a piece or scale rather than to any particular pitch. The spectrum of swaras in Indian music is thus composed of seven bands also known as saptak.
IGNOU BA/BDP BSHF-101 Swara in Indian Music
Reviewed by naas
February 21, 2018

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