Answer: (136 words)
Bharatnatyam is the oldest among the contemporary dance forms of India. Its claim to antiquity rests not on its association with Natyashastra, as also on the overwhelming literary, sculptural, and historical evidence on Bharatnatyam.
In the villages of Tamil Nadu Bharatnatyam continued as a part of the presentation of the Bhagavata Mela tradition. However, here it was performed by men only. The efforts of E.Krishna Iyer and other pioneers revived Bharatnatyam as a dance of classical repute. Subsequently, Rukmini Devi decided to study Bharatnatyam under the grand old master Meenakshi Sundaram Pillai and from Mylapura Gauri Amma. In 1936 she gave her first performance. This was the lighting of a new fire. The post-independence period was an era of revival and reconstruction. Institution begun by Rukmini Devi and her associates left a deep impact.
Answer: (236 words)Bharatnatyam dance considered to be over 2000 years old. Several texts beginning with Bharata Muni's Natya Shastra provide information on this dance form. The Abhinaya Darpana by Nandikesavara is one of the main sources of textual material, for the technique and grammar of body movement in Bharatnatyam Dance. There is also a great deal of visual evidence of this dance form in paintings and stone and metal sculptures of ancient times. On the gopurams of the Chidambaram temple, one can see a series of Bharatnatyam poses, frozen in stone as it were, by the sculpture. In many other temples, the charis and karnas of the dance are represented sculpture and one can make a study of the dance form.
Bharatnatyam dance is known to be ekharya, where one dancer takes on many roles in a single performance. In the early 19th century, the famous Tanjore Quartette, under the patronage of Raja Serfoji is said to have been responsible for the repertoire of Bharatnatyam dance as we see it today.
The style was kept alive by the devadasis, who were young girls 'gifted' by their parents to the temples and who were married to the gods. The devadasis performed music and dance as offerings to the deities, in the temple courtyards. Some of the renowned performers and gurus of the early part of the century belong to the devadasi families, a well-known name is Bala Saraswati.
Reviewed by naas
February 15, 2018

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