IGNOU BA/BDP BSHF-101 Main Environmental Challenges we are Facing Today
IGNOU BA/BDP BSHF-101 Main Environmental Challenges we are Facing Today
Comment on the main environmental challenges we are facing today? 12
The term environment and the problems related to the environment is a very complex subject. Every day we get to hear depressing news about the environment going from bad to worse. The most important environmental concern relates to the dangerously increasing phenomenon of global warming as also referred to as climate change. The greenhouse gases with an equivalent of carbon dioxide components are the main fuel for global warming. These gases get trapped in the atmosphere and cause the global temperature to rise, melt the ice caps and deplete the protective ozone layer of the atmosphere. If the emissions of these gas are not stopped, there is a fear that there will be severe incidents of drought and flood; and the sea level will rise and submerge a good part of low-lying countries.
The environmental pollution as we know it today is a result of the industrial revolution. The major forms of pollution are air pollution, light pollution, littering, noise pollution, soil contamination, radioactive contamination, thermal pollution, visual pollution, water pollution, and plastic pollution. Pollution puts human beings, animals as well as the environment in a critical condition that only humans can restore. Water scarcity is a major challenge that we are facing today. Many say that the next war is going to be fought for water. Also, the contamination of water bodies affects the entire organisms living in these water bodies, as well as organisms and plants exposed to these polluted waters. Deforestation is fast increasing owing to large-scale felling or burning of trees or plants in a forested area. As its consequence species lose their habitat, ecosystem dies out and climate change continues. Deforestation is often considered as a cause of global warming.
Every year on June 5 we celebrate World Environment Day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. We all know that it is our duty to protect and improve our environment including forests, lakes, rivers, and wildlife, and to have compassion for living creatures. Also, we are learning about the importance of tree plantation, waste management, water pollution, conservation of flora and fauna, etc. But are we implementing these in our lives? This question should be answered by every individual who is living on this earth and using the natural resources for the daily needs of life. It is time to remember the observation of Gandhiji that "Nature has enough to meet our needs but not our greed (which is always insatiable)."
IGNOU BA/BDP BSHF-101 Main Environmental Challenges we are Facing Today
Reviewed by naas
February 23, 2018

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